Miracle Grow

I am doing well. I had an appointment with a therapist to talk about how I’m coping emotionally. I’m coping well. I guess it’s human nature to be upset or depressed when receiving news such as I did, and then to accept and move on, which I believe I have. I met with a team of nutritionists and pharmacists to talk about a healthy and supportive diet that doesn’t contradict my medications. Yesterday I met with a cardiac “Electrician” to talk about ablation, or burning my heart walls, for treatment of my arrhythmias and we agreed to not proceed with that because, in his words, “TTR Amyloidosis acts like Miracle Grow,” and would probably overcome the procedure. I’ll probably need cardioversion, or having my heart shocked, again in the next year and I’ll be on a strong medication to help regulate my heartbeat for the balance of my time. I’ll be getting another ultrasound to see if the last one, which showed a severe reduction in my heart’s function, was due to one of the strong medications that I’m on or an actual, physical change in the capacity of my heart. I’ll be wearing a heart monitor 24/7 for a couple of weeks. I’m meeting with another cardiologist from my existing team in May and will be discussing the possibility of being referred into a new clinical trial that is showing positive results in treating this disease. All in all, except for the shortness of breath and being able to nap at will, I’m feeling good.